James Holmes drugged for court appearance

July 23, 2012

Aurora massacre suspect James Holmes made his first appearance in court today, and his demeanor strongly suggested that he had been drugged. His “dazed” demeanor only strengthens suspicions that the attack was an intelligence false-flag psyop, designed to further the gun-control agenda of globalist fascists.

The mainstream news is reporting that Holmes “appeared dazed: his brow furrowed, his eyes opening and closing often.”  (Update:  Check out the video at Information Liberation.) To anybody familiar with the behavior of drug addicts, the demeanor of James Holmes should set off alarm bells. Opiate addicts are often described as being “on the nod” as a reference to their tendency to drift in and out of consciousness. Whatever drugs he has been force-fed while in custody, whether opiate based or otherwise, “on the nod” is a good way to describe Holmes behavior in court.

To anybody who is keeping track of the “inconvenient” aspects of the case, such as eyewitness reports of an accomplice or the evidence that Holmes had the backing of military intelligence, this behavior of Holmes is keeping in line with suspicions that he was a mind-controlled assassin.  And as Information Liberation points out, it is a known fact that another suspected mind-controlled assassin, Jared Lee Loughner, was drugged while in custody.

The use of drugs is recognized as an intrinsic part of mind-control intelligence projects like MKUltra, and his detachment from reality fully supports the hypothesis that Holmes was a Manchurian Candidate. Holmes is far from the only recent suspected mind-control victim to make gruesome headlines, however, as Jared Lee Loughner and Miami Zombie Rudy Eugene also fit the bill.  In the Holmes case the evidence is so overwhelming that it leaves little room for doubt that the whole story is not being told.

There is no need to rehash the evidence that Holmes was a patsy for a false-flag intelligence operation, as other fearless researchers have done a fine job of that.  Mike Adams has an excellent write-up here.  And Alex Jones has much of the evidence linked here.  It should suffice to say that the expenses, the sophistication, the erratic behavior, the existence of accomplices, and the demeanor of Holmes in court today all serve to support the theory that the Aurora massacre was not the lone-gunman hogwash that the media is portraying.  The truth is far more sinister, and blatantly serves the fascist elite’s gun-control agenda.

Propaganda Campaign Behind Calls for a New Draft

July 13, 2012

The draft is coming back.  Whether it happens after Obama is reelected and he has nothing left to fear, or it happens when the warmongering Romney is elected, the draft is coming back.  The propaganda machine has been set in motion and the mass indoctrination has begun.  Calls from people like Stanley McChrystal and Thomas Ricks are just the beginning, and the end will be another gross encroachment on the liberty of a formerly free and once-proud people.

The propagandists will be right about one thing, and that is how the volunteer nature of the armed forces is hindering America’s objectives.  There are only so many dumb people unstable enough to become murderous thugs just for a paycheck.  When signing up for the military means agreeing to ten tours of Afghanistan or wherever else we decide to invade under false pretenses, that increasingly worthless free education stops looking so enticing.  Nobody will stop to question whether America should continue fighting multiple endless declared and undeclared wars all over the globe, of course, because it would be ridiculous to suggest we do anything besides loot and pillage sovereign nations while installing puppet governments.

For America to continue its’ belligerent march around the globe, more troops will be needed.  As more young people wake up to the flow of knowledge and become aware of the real objectives of war and the real motives of their leaders, fewer and fewer will volunteer.  There is no chance that the American government will let a minor inconvenience like kids not wanting to die for nothing mess with their plans of world domination.  As an added bonus, those pesky unemployment numbers will shrink drastically when all those young people actually have something to do.

Ricks tries to minimize the horrifying nature of his proposition by making the foolish case that libertarians would be able to opt out of conscription, but let’s be realistic.  We can pretend that the government would just be cool with conscientious objectors, but much more likely is that anyone who refused their “civic duties” would be labeled an enemy combatant domestic extremist and be thrown in a FEMA camp never to be seen again.  This should not sound far-fetched to anyone that is even remotely paying attention to the fascist tendencies of the government.

It is the very nature of propaganda that it begins subtly, in this case a few comments from an army commander or an opinion piece from (as Michael Suede points out) a proven defense industry shill.  Slowly the chorus of voices calling for the official implementation of a new draft will reach a dizzying height, and soon the people will believe that they, in fact, desired such a travesty all along.  If something goes wrong with the plan to reinstate the draft, meaning that people actually decide to speak out and fight back, Americans will likely be rewarded with a false flag attack to quiet the dissenters.  But there is no reason to go through the trouble of staging a false flag if a little brainwashing will accomplish the same goal.  Nothing left to do but watch the propaganda unfold, and thank god for flat feet.

Propaganda Alert!: Lowering your living standards whether you like it or not…

July 12, 2012

Folks visiting the Yahoo! homepage this week have been confronted with a seemingly quaint little story about how a NYC couple is living in an extremely tiny apartment and loving life so much more for it.  From a glance, it appears to be a feel-good story about how having less can make life more enjoyable, since having less means there is less to worry about.  But make no mistake, this seemingly innocuous little story is part of a propaganda campaign designed to lower the living standards of people everywhere.

The truth about the motives behind this propaganda can be found, among other places, in a recent article by Susanne Posel on theintelhub.com, titled Agenda 21 Micro-Apartment Scheme Being Beta-Tested in NYC.  Posel does an excellent job chronicling how the United Nations’ insidious Agenda 21 aims to lower living standards by forcing people into tiny apartments in megacities. These eco-fascist elitists want to save us from ourselves by disarming and cramming us into 200-square foot apartments where we are totally dependent upon the nanny-state, without even so much as the ability to own a car or travel between cities.  How convenient this works out for the globalist psychopaths masquerading as philanthropists and their plans for world domination.

So, on the one hand, we have the beginnings of an authoritarian plan to rearrange all of humanity, and on the other hand, we have an article glorifying that plan without actually mentioning the real motives behind it all.  The dead giveaway is how everyone visiting Yahoo! is confronted with this tiny-apartment article, unlike how the homepage usually displays a random article from the headlines.  Henceforth, if anyone questions the new NYC policy of cramming people into the tiniest of living spaces, the evil overlords responsible can just point to this couple from the Yahoo! article and attempt to silence their critics.

The brainwashed masses will simply digest the false notion that downgrading their living standards will make them happier while making their lives more sustainable.  In reality, they are just blindly accepting the conditioning that will allow the elite to more easily herd them into their Agenda 21 cages.

No Bath Salts? The Truth about the Miami Zombie…

June 28, 2012

So it turns out that there were no bath salts found in Rudy Eugene’s system.  We have said that the whole “bath salts” story was bogus from the beginning, but we should hold off on giving the mainstream media any credit here.  In fact, this new propaganda raises more questions, without providing any closure at all to the case.

The media is pushing the fact that only marijuana was found in Rudy Eugene’s system.  As if, after thousands of years of usage all over the world, marijuana is suddenly causing people to eat each other’s faces.  Ridiculous, yes.  But is the mainstream media above pushing such nonsense?  No.  They do what they are told, and this whole anti-marijuana business sounds suspiciously like something they would be told to push by an authoritarian government.

The most plausible scenario is the hypothesis that Eugene was under mind-control.  As we have shown previously, the large masses of undigested pills, the bible as a programming guide, the missing time, and other mysterious events associated with the case all support the theory that Eugene was some sort of Manchurian Candidate.

Then there are a whole host of similar reports from around the nation of zombie-like assaults being blamed on bath salts.  So, if the first one can’t be blamed on bath salts, what about the rest?  Are those all media fabrications as well?  Just hearsay presented as facts?  What are the chances of bath salts causing all of the other similar behavior when the first report that started it all is proved to be bullshit?  Is this all just some huge anti-marijuana, anti-synthetic marijuana PSYOP being carried out on the American people?  What in the hell is going on here?

At this point there is no doubt an agenda, and clearly we are not being told the whole story.  The hypothesis that Rudy Eugene was a mind-controlled victim of some kind of black project is so far the only thing that makes any sense at all about this case.  Just keep in mind that marijuana DOES NOT turn people into face-eating zombies, regardless of what the media tells you.

Obama’s Gain is America’s Loss

June 28, 2012

So, as predicted, the Supreme Cowards of the former United States upheld the tyrannical Obamacare act.  The destruction of America has been on the globalist agenda for too long, and this act does too much to further that agenda for the Affordable Care Act to have been overturned.  The pattern is simple to recognize:  erode national sovereignty while replacing freedom and liberty with a fascist police nanny-state.  Once you see the pattern, the future becomes terrifyingly obvious.

And as to be expected, the worthless mainstream media is lauding this as a victory for Obama, when in reality it is a loss for freedom-loving people everywhere.  A free media would be mourning the tragedy of this loss of liberty, not glorifying a globalist stooge.

This is only a small step, of course.  Now the government can make you buy whatever it wants.  How could that possibly go wrong?


Let us take a few moments to mourn the destruction of a once-great republic.

Supreme Court to uphold Obamacare

June 28, 2012

Less than a half-hour away from the highly-anticipated Supreme Court decision on Obamacare, and I can’t seem to figure out why anybody is optimistic.  The conservative right seems to have this idea that a strike-down of the law is even a possibility.  However, the chances that the Supreme Court finds in favor of the American people, as usual, is exactly zero.

Nobody wants Obamacare.  Nobody except those who still blindly support a proven fascist because they can’t accept that they voted for a usurper four years ago.  Americans do not want Obamacare, just as they did not want Citizens United.

But this is fascist America.  Nothing good ever happens to advance the cause for freedom.  Yet measures to remove freedom or destroy the constitution ALWAYS pass.  Obamacare is simply too destructive of American values and ideals NOT to pass.  The Supreme Court and Obama are both globalist pawns, stooges that do exactly what they are told to do by their masters.  If this was not the case, they would not be in such positions of power.

Freedom never wins.  It is that simple.  And it should be obvious that freedom will not win today.  As long as the American people allow their freedoms to be trampled by evil men whose goal is the destruction of the constitution, nothing is going to change.  So don’t get your hopes up, because anybody paying attention knows exactly how the court decision is going to read.

October Surprise Marijuana Legalization is a Dystopian Fantasy

June 19, 2012

The Atlantic Wire recently speculated that legalizing marijuana could be Obama’s October Surprise.  There is basically no evidence to support this theory besides a few haphazard connections, but we should always be vigilant against the ludicrous notion that the government is going to do anything to help the people.  There may be absolutely nothing to support this legalization fantasy, but since it has struck a chord with the blogosphere, I feel there are a few things worth pointing out.

First of all, anybody who believes that Obama plans to magnanimously end the criminal prohibition of marijuana as some sort of gesture of goodwill should have their sanity checked.  Let us not forget the fact that Obama has been waging a war against the medical marijuana states that have dared to reject medical authoritarianism.  States whose citizens have rallied to embrace freedom from the tyrannical medical establishment and Big Pharma are being openly targeted by the Obama administration in a flagrant violation of states’ rights.  A war on one of the most valuable plants known to mankind is a crime against humanity, and to believe that Obama is just going to reverse course and raise the white flag is an affront to reason.

When was the last time anything good ever happened as a result of some humanitarian government gesture?  Exactly.  If people hadn’t died fighting tyranny,  even the weekend would not exist.  The government only bends when the people force them to, but even then they never break.  There is no chance that marijuana legalization would ever be considered unless there was some other nefarious plan waiting in the wings.  This is the possibility we will now examine.

Let us look at exactly why an end to marijuana prohibition cannot be tolerated by the US government.  The main reason, of course, is that the illegality of marijuana makes the police and prison state possible.  Constitutional protections against illegal search and seizure have been easily circumnavigated since the drug war began.  All an officer has to do is claim that they smell marijuana, and it provides automatic justification to trample citizens’ rights.  Judges side with the police every time, and the whole system is rigged to break the backs of the citizenry under the weight of a massive police state and prison bureaucracy.  The existence of this bureaucracy is evidence enough that the government will never give in, unless they have a new and improved plan.

We should now consider how the modus operandi of the police state may have changed to allow prohibition to be lifted.  As discussed above, marijuana is the foundation of the police state.  But has the war on terror made obsolete the necessity of keeping marijuana illegal?  In the past, government goons needed an excuse (marijuana) to search innocent people.  But in today’s fascist Amerika, the militarized police do not need to keep up the pretense of searching for marijuana.  The police now can simply search anyone they wish, all under the guise of counterterrorism.  Think about the forty innocent people who were recently stopped at an intersection, searched, and handcuffed, even though they had done nothing wrong.  Not one of them objected to being treated like a criminal, because Americans have been conditioned to accept the infringement of their rights.

Americans have become used to not having human rights, and that is the problem.  There is no reason for marijuana to remain illegal, other than the fact that many who smoke it tend to become aware of the futility of their slave existence.  Perhaps the demon of marijuana has served it’s purpose, and now that there is a new terrorist demon, marijuana will simply be used for Obama propaganda purposes (this, of course, would disturbingly parallel the purpose and final end of Osama bin Laden).

Something else to keep in mind is that the police state KNOWS that it is losing the war on marijuana.  They simply can’t release a bullshit propaganda film like “Reefer Madness” and expect it to do their dirty work for the next fifty years.  Times have changed.  The government can threaten landlords, they can raid dispensaries, and they can violently disrespect the wishes of the majority of Americans, but their tactics are nothing but intimidation.  They may catch a few freedom-fighters here and there and then use the media to try to scare everyone else into submission, but the war on marijuana is not a war that they are going to win.

So, then, is it possible that the Obama administration, desperate for popular support, would consider such an action?  If it did, we can be sure of one thing:  this would not be a gift to the American people, but a curse on them.  It is not hard to envision the nature of the beast that would replace prohibition.  Is it possible that legalizing marijuana would just be a new front in the war on mankind?  Cigarette taxes make a good analogy.  The price of cigarettes used to be reasonable, but gradually taxes have increased to the point that it is impossible to smoke a lot unless you are rich.  Could this be what the Obama administration has in mind?  Would it be so unfathomable for Obama to ride the momentum of a legalization initiative into a second term, after which taxes on marijuana make it nearly impossible to afford?

Marijuana is affordable because black market economics are unencumbered by bureaucratic oversight, but what if that changed?  What if, instead of an illegal fifty dollar eighth-of-an-ounce, the same legal amount instead cost hundreds of dollars?   At the same time, any legalization initiative would likely increase penalties for growing at home without government consent, and soon enough it would be impossible to smoke weed because it would be impossible to afford weed.  Now, considering the track record of the Obama administration, and the track records of administrations of the past half-century, is this idea really so far-fetched?

Trying to determine the intentions of the most evil people that have ever lived can be a trying exercise in futility.  But it is important that we ask all the necessary questions, and that we be prepared for all possibilities.  Above all, we must be always on our guard against the idea that the US government could possibly have the best interests of American citizens in mind.  The war on drugs and the war on terror are one and the same:  neither are about their stated intention, but both are about the destruction of the American Constitution.  Whether or not Obama decides to legalize marijuana, nothing will change the fact that the government is waging a war against it’s own citizens and against mankind as a whole.  Whatever it is that Obama wants, it is a sure bet that the exact opposite is what is best for America.

Who wanted Rudy Eugene dead? The mystery deepens…

June 13, 2012

We have previously established that Miami Zombie Rudy Eugene was most likely a victim of mind-control, and emerging facts are confirming this theory.  The anomalous mass of undigested pills recently discovered in Eugene’s stomach appears to provide further evidence of foul play.  A mysterious four-hour chunk of missing time immediately prior to the attack also serves to cast doubt on the official theory, while confirming that there is much more to the story than the masses have been led to believe.

Recently the Miami Herald revealed that a large amount of undigested pills were found in Eugene’s stomach.  This is a curious development in the official story, which may be why the undigested pills were not widely reported.  So we apparently are to believe that Rudy Eugene was so high on bath salts that he took a ton of pills and then set about eating another man’s face before the pills could even take effect.  The closer the official story is examined, the harder it is to believe.  But if Rudy Eugene was a mind-control victim, then the presence of undigested pills is not an anomaly at all.

If we ignore the laughable “bath-salts” official story and we understand that Eugene was a mind-control victim, then it would make perfect sense that the pills would be found in Eugene’s stomach.  Whoever had programmed Eugene made sure that he would self-destruct.  Rudy Eugene was being manipulated, and his manipulators ensured that if the cops didn’t kill him, the pills would have.

Perhaps the mystery of the pills could be solved if investigators had any idea what Eugene was up to before the attack…


Detectives are still trying to piece together Eugene’s final hours. He was last reported parking his car in South Beach…about four hours before the attack.

But his whereabouts in that four-hour gap are unknown. Shortly before Eugene pounced on Ronald Poppo, a motorist called 911 to report a man on the causeway shedding his clothes and swinging from a light pole.”

Read more here:  Miami Herald article


So what happened to Rudy Eugene that fateful morning?  How could someone behaving that erratically not leave any trace of his whereabouts for FOUR hours?  At this point the answers seem obvious.  Rudy Eugene was with his handlers, undergoing the final stages of programming that would set him on his morbid course.  Eugene was drugged, his programming was finalized, and he was loosed on an unsuspecting public.

Who was with Rudy Eugene that morning?  Was Eugene forced to consume the pills in question, or was the instruction to overdose a command that had been pre-programmed?  We cannot know with certainty the answer to these questions, but we can clearly see that the only light in which these anomalous facts make any sense is with the mind-control hypothesis.

Was this all part of an agenda to further the long reach of the war on drugs?  Or was it simply an intelligence agency testing out a freakish new compound on an unsuspecting victim?  Perhaps it was a rogue black project gone awry, although that seems unlikely considering the coordinated media blitz.  We cannot know the entire plan, but through the oddities of the Miami zombie case we can clearly see an orchestrated agenda unfolding behind the scenes.

Copycat Zombie Nothing to Fear, Unlike Media Hysteria

June 8, 2012

A second zombie reported in Miami has done nothing to ease the tensions of locals, nor the fears of hordes of apocalypse-minded folks around the world.  But rather than viewing the new case as a completely separate incident that occurred in a vacuum, we should instead take it in context and see that this is most likely a copycat incident.

First, it is important to note the differences.  Officers did not come upon Brandon de Leon (the new zombie) as he was eating somebody, unlike in the case with Rudy Eugene.  The behavior of De Leon only became “zombie-like” when he was already in police custody.  At this point he became irate and began screaming “I’m going to eat you” and other such things, as reported by NBC Miami.

De Leon was reported as having a verbal argument with another man.  Clearly he was in a different state of mind than Rudy Eugene if was able communicate with language.  De Leon was drunk and on drugs, nothing more than a copycat whose true rage came from being apprehended by the cops, not something that snapped deep inside him.  On the other hand, Rudy Eugene was naked, growling, and cannibalizing when officers arrived in the first place.

Whether De Leon’s actions were deliberately calculated to be zombie-like, or whether his behavior subconsciously evoked the Rudy Eugene incident, there is nothing about the case to become hysterical over.   That may come as a disappointment to all the zombie-apocalypse folks out there, but no need to worry because there are plenty of other stories around the nation that are more concerning.

As we have established previously, there is good reason to believe that Rudy Eugene was a victim of a mind control program.  The circumstances surrounding De Leon’s case, however, point to an inebriated copycat more than any sort of secret program or zombie apocalypse.  Although we should qualify that not much information is available about the case, and intelligence involvement should not be ruled out considering the proximity to the Eugene incident.

Additionally, one more circumstance does point to some sort of intelligence involvement.  And that is the incredible anti-drug propaganda.  One day nobody had ever heard of “bath salts” and now everybody in the country is losing their minds over it.  Nobody should be trying this stuff, but the anti-drug chorus coming from all directions is deafening.  Unbelievable how these morons still haven’t realized that there would never have been a market for bath salts in the first place if plants like marijuana weren’t egregiously illegal.

One thing that is certain is that when the media goes into a frenzy, laws get passed.  And learning from experience, that always means there is an agenda behind it all.  The only question is whether that agenda is appropriating events for it’s own desires, or whether that agenda is behind everything that happened in the first place as a means to some nefarious end.  So, are the zombies really the ones that we should be fearing?

Miami Zombie Under Mind Control?

June 5, 2012

Many questions about the so-called “Miami Zombie” remain unanswered. This is naturally going to be the case whenever a human being engages in unprecedented behavior that defies all reason. However, when one looks more closely at the case of Rudy Eugene, a familiar pattern begins to emerge.

To understand the pattern in question, it is necessary to have some background in the past mind-control experiments of US intelligence agencies. Historians and conspiracy researchers have long been familiar with the CIA program MK Ultra; this program endeavored to control victims through various methods of brainwashing. Sensory deprivation, sensory overload, electroshock therapy, the copious use of drugs, and other methods were utilized and combined in an attempt to have total control over the brainwashed individual. It is thought that the creation of a mind-controlled assassin, or Manchurian Candidate, was one of the primary objectives of MK Ultra.

Although the program was officially abandoned in the early 1970s, the more likely scenario is that MK Ultra went underground after a name change.  Theorists believe that this type of research has carried on into the present day.  And considering the possibilities, some would say it would be irresponsible for intelligence not to pursue such research, if only to stay ahead of the competition.  If such a theory is correct, it appears likely that the Miami Zombie Rudy Eugene was a victim of just such a program. The similarities between the actions of Eugene and of suspected Manchurian Candidates like Mark David Chapman and John Hinckley cannot be ignored.

Mark David Chapman, the assassin of John Lennon, has long been considered a possible victim of mind control. Theories persist that “Catcher In the Rye” was the programming guide used by Chapman’s handlers in the CIA.  John Hinckley, attempted assassin of Ronald Reagan, was also found with a copy of the novel.  Mind control works by influencing the victim to respond to a certain phrase, command, or event with a pre-programmed action.  Is it possible that these assassins were programmed to carry out their heinous acts? And if so, is there evidence that Eugene may have had a similar programming guide? The answer, of course, is yes.

The Miami Herald reported that Eugene always carried a bible around with him, and that Eugene’s friends were constantly texting him bible verses. This might seem innocuous at first glance, but it is exactly the pattern we would expect to find if Eugene was a victim of a covert mind-control program. Those knowledgeable about such tactics are well aware that phrases and key words can be used to trigger pre-programmed responses in victims. Was the bible a programming guide, and were the “friends” in question actually his handlers from the intelligence program? Considering that SOMETHING triggered Eugene’s behavior, a behavior that those close to him cannot fathom, it is likely that his behavior was INDUCED by this method of programming.

Adding credence to this theory is that the Miami Herald also reported that Eugene’s mother and girlfriend believed that he had been “drugged” without his knowledge:

“I don’t know what they injected in him to turn him into the person who did what he did,” [his mother] said…

Read more here: Miami Herald

Anybody remotely familiar with the history of MK Ultra knows that drugging (often of an unsuspecting victim) was a key part of attempted programming. The CIA experiments with LSD and other drugs are well-known, and were an intrinsic part of attempts to brainwash victims. This mainstream media assumption that “bath salts” led to this behavior is pure speculation designed to inspire fear and distract the masses from the truth. But if Eugene was indeed drugged against his knowledge, as his mother and girlfriend suggest, everything begins to make sense.

We now see clearly that Eugene was most likely a victim of mind-control. The programming guide was the bible, the trigger phrases were biblical verses, and these verses were not texted to Eugene by his friends, but his handlers from the intelligence apparatus.  Perhaps the handlers expected this to happen, but perhaps it was an experiment gone horribly awry.  In this context, however, the behavior that has confounded the entire world appears to actually make sense.  And the only thing scarier than a random zombie attack is the idea that powerful people from a shadow government made it happen on purpose.